Symptoms of Mold

Molds and other fungi grow easily in damp indoor environments. People who spend time in such environments sometimes complain of:

1. Memory problems, brain fog, trouble with focus and executive function
2. Fatigue, weakness, post-exercise malaise and fatigue
3. Muscle cramping, aches, and pains, joint pain without inflammatory arthritis, persistent nerve pain, “ice pick” pain
4. Numbness and tingling
5. Headache
6. Light sensitivity, red eyes, and/or blurred vision
7. Sinus problems, cough, shortness of breath, air hunger, asthma-like symptoms
8. Tremors
9. Vertigo
10. Persistent nerve pain
11. Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, appetite changes
12. Metallic taste
13. Weight gain despite sufficient effort (weight loss resistance)
14. Night sweats or other problems with temperature regulation
15. Excessive thirst
16. Increased urination
17. Static “shocks”

While it is completely normal for a small amount of mold or mildew to appear on shower walls or any other application where water accumulates, mold or mildew growth in room corners or non-shower walls clearly indicates that there is a leak in the surrounding area creating the perfect living and breeding environment.

Mold growth in homes, schools, and businesses should be eliminated to maintain health, structural integrity, and quality of life. Cleaning up small amounts of mold can be done by homeowners. Eliminating mold from large areas requires expertise and protection both for the removal specialists and occupants of the affected space.

Don’t Forget To Deal With The Leak!

In order to prevent a potential mold outbreak in your home, or to prevent an existing mold issue from escalating further, it is recommended to take care of the leak after the mold issue has been cleaned.

Internally, water faucets, toilets, water valves, household appliances, pipes, and tubes are all among the potential causes of a leak within your household. A plumber will be required to come in, assess the situation further, and locate the cause of the leak. If there is an external leak, please notify city representatives to come in and inspect piping leading to the house, as well as the water meter itself for any potential faults or misreadings.