If you find yourself sluggish a month into your New Year’s resolutions, you may find that one simple change to your routine could make a big difference. Lemons, and lemon juice in particular, boast a lot of health benefits because they are loaded with such nutrients as vitamin C, vitamin A, folate and iron, according to Organic Facts.
Here are a few reasons you should add a bit of lemon juice to your morning water :
1. Lemon can act as an anti-cancer agent: Lemon helps protect your body against cancer because of the antioxidants in the citrus fruit. The antioxidants slow aging and reduce the risk of developing cancer cells. Lemon also acts as a neutralizer, which helps balance the acid levels that encourage cancer cell growth, according to The Spirit Science.
4. Lemons are a diuretic: If you are feeling a little stopped up, warm lemon water each morning will help get your system back on track. Lemon helps flush toxins out of your system by encouraging the production of liver detoxification enzymes, according to The Spirit Science.
5. Lemons can help the immune system: Many people reach for vitamin C as soon as they feel a sniffle coming on, and for good reason. Vitamin C has been proven to shorten the duration and severity of a cold, according to LiveScience. Lemons are one of the best sources of vitamin C. Because lemon acts as an anti-inflammatory, it also helps reduce the severity of respiratory illnesses.
6. Lemons can aid in weight loss: The weight loss benefits are a result of better digestion, detoxification and an increased production of bile, which breaks down food and fats better. As an added benefit, scientists say that lemons help reduce cravings, according to The Spirit Science.
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