1. A Mini Fast

Intermittent fasting will help you reduce reducing visceral fat, and Gottfried suggests an 18-hour window for women and a 16-hour window for men.

  1. Limit Fructose

Fructose is the most metabolically dangerous sugar, as it does not signal the brain that you are full. It goes directly to the liver where it gets stored as fat and stimulates insulin and leptin resistance. This, in turn, causes inflammation, a stressed liver, and belly fat.

  1. Avoid Alcohol

You need to avoid sugary juices, sodas, and alcohol if you intend to lose weight.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

You need to sleep 7-8 hours every night in order to burn belly fat, as sleep controls cortisol and insulin levels in the body.

  1. Increase Adiponectin levels

Adiponectin works between fat cells and the brain, so its low levels stimulate storage of fat in the body, and vice versa. If you raise its levels, your body will burn fat. Therefore, consume more pistachios and pumpkin seeds, and get at least 35 grams of fiber daily, to optimize its levels.

  1. Manage Stress

Chronic stress boosts cortisol levels in the body, causing weight gain, storage of fat, and the breakdown of muscles. It is a must to find an activity that relaxes you, such as meditation, exercise, walking, yoga, essential oil baths, reading, etc.

Source: www.davidwolfe.com
Other sources linked in David Wolfe’s article:
Mind Body Green:  hormone expert article
Mind Body Green:  intermittent fasting
NCBI:  affect of protein on weight gain
NCBI:  adiponectin
Medical News Today:  food intolerances
Sara Gottfried
David Wolfe:  rebounding exercise
David Wolfe:  Yoga
Science Daily:  omega 3s and fructose
Shape:  high intensity interval training
U. of Illinois Ext.: purslane