10 Food You Might Want To Remove From Your List To Prevent Cancer

Farmed salmon

Switching to what you consider as a healthier and safer meat may not save you from the same problem you are avoiding. Though we believe that salmon meat is healthier, it is still unsafe if it is farm-raised salmon. Fish growers tend to feed fish with food overflowing with chemicals, pesticides, and anti-biotic that cannot be removed even if you cook it well. These chemicals can lead to triggering the cancer cells in your body.

Diet food

Do not be easily blinded by the use of the words “diet”, “low-fat”, “fat-free” and “sugar-free” in labels of diet products. They may seem convincing, but try to think of what replaces these components they removed. Synthetic and artificial flavorings are generously loaded in these products.

One example is Saccharin was found to have caused cancer development in one test that was conducted on rats. Food colors are not exempted, as they are contaminated with carcinogens. It is better to buy food in their regular or “classic” version, given that you eat them with moderation.

Processed, overly salted, and fatty food products in the market

Pizza, burger, doughnuts, chip snacks, pickels… the list just goes on. These foods are obviously high in fat and salt, though they are really tasty and satisfying, we are at the risk of some cancer. Food cured or preserved through the use of nitrates, though maybe at a low chance, may still cause the development of cancer when already inside the body. Smoking meat or nuts can also be risky, as the smoke produces tar, a known carcinogen.

Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol use is the second leading cause of cancer, with tobacco use being the first on the list. Study by the World Health Organization showed sufficient evidences which proved that excessive use of alcohol is the main cause of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, mouth, rectum, and female breast cancers. Control in alcoholic drink consumption should be practiced, but it is still better if you try not to drinks.